
From a strategic perspective, an organisation wants to align its learning and development with its goals. It wants to analyse and close skills gaps to meet its business plan. It also wants to foster an atmosphere where workers believe that they’re important to the organisation and where the organisation is seen to have a commitment...
Having seen (in “Getting Evidence of Competency”) why using competency management offers great benefits for modern organisations, touched on a vocabulary for discussing 12 factors that support competencies, and explored processes to gather the evidence needed to support competency management, we can now turn to the competency framework itself. Uncovering the agreed evidence that demonstrates...
The way hybrid workforces are now being managed encourages organisations to revisit competency management. Moreover, with modern advances in technology and data analytics, organisations can use competency definitions and frameworks to guide them through the challenges of change management and performance improvement. Building a culture of compliance is a core part of any modern learning...
Dynamický vývoj společnosti musí logicky nacházet svůj odraz i v obsahu předmětů vyučovaných na vysokých školách. Nejinak je tomu i na Vysoké škole finanční a správní. Vznikají nejen nové studijní programy, ale jejich konkrétní náplň při respektování podmínek akreditace prochází kontinuálním procesem inovací. Může se tak snadno stát, že pokud někdo absolvoval před několika lety,...
Vysoká škola finanční a správní v Praze – Katedra marketingové komunikace si Vás dovoluje pozvat na webinář Moderní trendy v marketingu 2022. Srdečně zveme odborníky i naše současné a bývalé studenty. Účast na webináři je ZDARMA – prosíme pouze o registraci ZDE. Moderují:       doc. Ing. Aleš Hes, CSc.PhDr. Ladislava Knihová, MBA Hlavní teze: Vlivy...
The case for workplace competency is rarely, if ever, openly explored – yet this oversight can lead to both worker confusion and business inefficiencies. Such inefficiencies inevitably extend to other businesses and, thus, become endemic throughout the economy. Indeed, by omission, competency can become an unspoken conspiracy – something to be achieved not for its...
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